Craft a college plan that fuels purpose.

Our courses and coaching help you earn admission to great-fit colleges and majors. Set yourself up for future success by crafting thoughtful goals and compelling college applications.


Better Goals result in Better Offers

Great stories convert readers of your application into advocates for your admission. Learn how to boost your offers by identifying work that suits you and demonstrating commitment to that work.

(L)earn your Fit

Identify and demonstrate your suitability for the work you want to pursue.

Find your Fit

Identify colleges that suit you–academically, socially, financially, and otherwise.

Make your Case

Craft applications in which all the elements work together to tell your stand-out story.

Meet your instructor

My name is Jane Chamberlain and I love helping students earn admission to great-fit colleges. Before founding Craft College and Career Consulting I was the lead consultant at IllumiUni College Consulting.

I started Craft College and Career Consulting after realizing how much students boost their prospects when they communicate how they want to use their strengths in and after college. My clients not only stand out from the crowd, they also improve their chances of graduating on time.

Jane Chamberlain, Consultant

Start crafting your future today.

Our most popular offer:

Comprehensive Bundle

College Confidence Bundle

$4900 *one time payment

  • 20 hours of Consultant time and five years of access to all lessons, files, PDFs and videos.
  • Guided Self-Discovery, including Career Research and Financial Parameters.
  • Starter List of Colleges, Balanced List, Application Strategy.
  • College Application and Financial Aid Application support.
  • 14-day money back guarantee–no questions asked.

What people are saying

“Through Jane’s prompting, I feel like Elly really learned how to showcase her strengths. I think she also realized some things about herself that hadn’t come to the surface yet . . . Jane’s assistance with Elly’s essays was priceless.”
Minnesota Mom
“Jane was able to get a good sense of how our daughter was wired, and how to motivate her. I did not feel that we were just another family, but that she individuated for us. Her help and guidance was invaluable.”
Texas Mom

Start crafting your future today.

Learn how to impress admissions officers and scholarship committees with powerful applications.

Common Questions

If you are unsatisfied with a course within 14 days of purchasing it, you may receive a full refund.

The content is delivered online through the course platform and, depending on the course, through one-on-one Zoom sessions with me and email exchanges with me. The courses utilize videos, quizzes, and assignments to keep students engaged and on track in their college-bound journeys.

You may use a credit card or PayPal.

I deliver the content through videos, downloadable files, quizzes, and interactive assignments. The Craft your College Journey course includes strategy sessions with me. The Essay Journey course includes a one-on-one brainstorming session and interactions via email and shared Google docs.

The College Journey course includes proprietary templates that you may make one copy of for your personal use. You may not share or sell them.

Start crafting your future today.

Learn how to impress readers by crafting powerful college and scholarship applications.